
Here in chile are a lot of schools of Veterinary Medicine and for that our country is full of veterinarians, so is really hard to a veterinarian have a job because here are all these people who wants this job too and is a high competence.

So I thnik that one of the mains challenges that we have is, If you really want to be a veterinary and be good in you area you have to try realy hard because you have a huge competition with all these people of all this Veterinaty Medicine Schools. So I think to do this we have to study always and think that we are going to be the best.

Another Challenge that we have because all the veterinary schools, is as we are so many veterinarians people are not used to see you with much respect, for that they don't belive to veterinarians and think that they are liyng or something like that, also the career is not see with a good eye, but that they really don't know is this is really hard!

A more specific challenge, thinking in the people wo want develop in the minor clinic, is that they sometimes have to care about teach the owners, because here in chile people don't know to much about how take care of their pets or just they don't care.

I'm sure that we as veterinatians have a lot more challenges to face, but the only that we can do is have a fighter spirit to pass with success all the challenges that we have to confront.

Problems in the education

The education in chile is a conflictive topic mainly in the past five years, as I was reading in the news this morning. In May 19th of 2006 start the protests and since that day all the years are protests, beacause the government don't give good solutions.

But is hard to begin talking about the problems of the education in chile, because there are a lot of them and some bring more problems. I think the big ones are related to the money. Here, in Chile you can see the big differences of studing in a good school that you pay with lots of money or studing in a public school. Of course in a good school you have more chances to get a good score in the PSU and go to a good university but if you don't but you still having money you can go to a private university. So now we have another problem the PSU system, all know that is not a good system to go to the university.

I think the government is not giving the necessary attention that the education needs because without education the country don't makes any progress.

Dr dog

A japanese team make series of expirements with labrador retriever's and they prove that this dogs can smell when people have cancer even in its early stages.

They said that some dogs have a special sense to smell chemicals changes in the body of people who have cancer, the finding builds on previous experimens with dogs smelling people who have cancer in the skin, lungs, bladder and ovaries.

A report in the journal Glut describe how the researches trained a eight-year-old dog to distinguish between two patients, one with colonrectal cancer and the another healthy. The dog distinguish the cancer only with a sample of their breath. Also in others tests the dog correctly identified 33 of 36 people with bowel cancer smelling their breath and identified 37 o 38 cases sniffing stools of the patients.

With this results they expected knows more about the aromatic chemicals in the body with cancer that betray the disease. But Nell Barrie, science information officer at Cancer Research, said: "Although some dogs seem to be able to smell cancer in certain situations, we're still a long way from understanding exactly what they are detecting and this small study in one dog doesn't give us any new clues."

My faculty

I like the faculty, I think is a very beautiful and pacific place, all the green areas where you can lie down with the light of the sun and all the trees makes more nice be there. Also we are in close contact with a huge number of animals, I'm talking about the "mundo granja" you can be studing in the grass and you can see in front of you cows, horses or sheeps, is a bit strange but I think this makes more special the faculty.

But forgetting about the nice things, there are somethings that we really need, like a big casino, maybe is no problem in the summer or the spring but in the winter the casino is not enough to all the students, sometimes you can't find a place in the casino to ate as well the food is another problem of this place, I don't usually buy food at the casino but I heard some complains of classmates, so that is another thing to improve.

Another thing that with the pass of the time I realize more is about the library, we need more books, we really need more books! sometimes I can't study with the book that I want because there are two books to all the students -considering that we are more than 100 students in one class- and the books are reserved by another person, so if you don't be in alert about reserve the book you miss the books. also the space of the library to study is very small! I think that maybe a second floor will be the solution to this, because sometimes the library is full and you cant find a table to study or are so many people in there and they are talking and laughing too loud that you can't study.

these are some of the changes I would make to the Faculty, because are more thing that we need to improve but with or without this improvements I like the faculty because study in a place like this is unique.


In general always when people ask me about what country I would like to visit I never knew how answer that because I never think in other places or countrys really seriously, I don't know why boy maybe is because I'm very realist I don't used to dream, so I don't have to money and I don't know if in a future I will have it but I I have money, I would like visit Japan.

I don't know much about the country, but the few things that I know makes me want to visit. First is their culture, is so different to our culture, they have preserved thousand-year-old traditions, I think that is so unbelievable and fantastic, and for that the cultural places makes more beautiful.

Also another thing is the food, I only had tasted sushi and I love it, so I think if that food cames of their original country maybe is much better, and of course I would like to taste another foods that they could have.

Finally I think the japan people are incredible they are very intelligent, all the tecnological things that they can do is amazing, theirs places, foods, traditions... all! I really would like to visit this country.